How to Stay Hydrated In Summer

With beautiful warm summer weather soon approaching, it is now more important than ever to keep up your fluids with the right quality and quantity of water to ensure that you are staying hydrated during this busy and festive time.

After all, water is required for every biological function of the body - circulation, assimilation, digestion, elimination, temperature control and even thought. Totalling 75% of our body and 91% of our brain, water is the primary substance within all of us, and needs replenishment on a consistent basis. If not, then the critical vitamins and minerals will not find their way into our systems for proper cellular processes and bodily function. Consistently drinking good water is of the utmost importance, and is foundational for longevity and wellbeing, which can be made simpler by consuming filtered alkaline mineral water.

In this article, we explore why staying hydrated in summer is so crucial, as well as some helpful tips.


Recognition of Early Dehydration & Making Drinking a Daily Habit to Stay Hydrated This Summer

What many of us don’t realise is that when we are thirsty, it means we are already on our way to being dehydrated, and is the first sign we should be having our next drink as soon as possible. Dry lips can also be an early indicator. We will then notice the change in urine colour from a healthy and hydrated clear or pale-yellow colour, to a much darker shade resembling apple juice, indicating a worsening case of dehydration. To prevent further symptoms from progressing hydration needs to be a daily habit. Loosely scheduling intervals to grab some water, or carrying around a water bottle with you, can work wonders in ensuring your body performs as it should in all conditions, despite the temperature outside.


How Your Body Copes with Rising Temperatures

As heat levels rise, so does the temperature of your body. If left unchecked, this could prove dangerous to your internal organs, so your heart reacts by pumping a greater volume of blood closer to the skin’s surface (primarily in the forehead, palms and armpits), releasing plasma in the form of sweat. The sweat will subsequently evaporate from your skin allowing you to cool down, preventing overheating. Unfortunately, this also means your water levels begin to decrease, leaving you with ‘thicker’ blood that requires your body to work harder to regulate and transport. You therefore have to increase your water consumption in order to replace what has been lost.


Replenish Electrolytes toPromote Cellular Hydration: Tips to Keep Your Body Performing at its Best

Given our bodies’ dependence on water, as we place further stress on our muscles, bones and organs through exercise, we demand greater replenishment, especially if it is within environments of extreme heat or humidity levels. The demand goes right down to our very cells, crying out for proper hydration in order to function at their full capacity. After a good deal of exertion, overheating and sweating, it is important to replenish not only the body’s supply of water, but also electrolyte minerals. These are the mineral salts processed and responsible for maintaining balanced water levels, transporting electrical impulses throughout our nerves, and enabling muscles to relax and contract throughout proper movement. Alkaline Mineral Water contains a balanced range of electrolyte minerals, which may further accelerate the rehydration process when consumed.


Drinking Satisfactory Amounts & Selecting the Right Diet is of Great Importance in Staying Hydrated During Summer

With all this information, readers will naturally be asking, ‘can you give us some tips on how much I need to drink to continue staying hydrated throughout summer? As described above, the answer will vary depending on the amount of exercise you do, and the level of heat and humidity surrounding you. There is a general rule of thumb, however, that can set you on a good path. According to the NHMRC of the Australian & New Zealand Governments, , daily intake of fluids should be approximately 3.4L daily for men and 2.8L daily for women. Given how we all differ in our makeup, it can also be beneficial to consider drinking 1 litre of water for every 25kgs of body weight.  (NHMRC 4/2014)

Summer weather often leaves us searching for something refreshing, given the earlier onsets for dehydration causing dry mouths and lips. Unfortunately, many sugary or artificial beverages, such as sodas and fruit juices, can actually work against the benefits the body is crying out for. Even coffees and teas can increase  dehydration levels, given their caffeine content acting as a diuretic. It is of great importance to stick to consuming good water, or alkaline mineral water given the strong presence of electrolytes. Fruits and vegetables with high water contents, such as berries, oranges, grapes and spinach are also perfect choices.


Better Health Channel Victoria, Sweat (2020)


Van De Walle, G, The 5 Best Ways to Rehydrate Quickly, Healthline (2019)


Samaritan Health Services, Stay Hydrated in the Heat of Summer (2020)


Harvard School of Public Health, The Importance of Hydration (2021)


Mayo Clinic Staff, Nutrition and Healthy Eating (2020)

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